level up your life
Level Up Your Life by just having more problems in your life!

Why did I build this kind of mindset so that Every time I encounter a problem, I start getting excited? The concept is very simple, which I will explain in…

Nobody tells you this about Meditation – Proper Way to meditate.

Everyone is recommending Meditation these days. ’It’ll awaken you,’ they say, ’transform your life.’ But despite its benefits, most of us are left in the dark about how to practice…

life, unfair life
Read this if you are tired with unfair life.

Sometimes, it feels like life is playing a cruel joke on us. It can be because you lost an opportunity you’ve poured your heart into, or you work tirelessly for…

mental contrasting
Mental Contrasting – 1 simple systematic self improvement technique that trumps all.

My goals always feel out of reach.How can I turn my dreams into reality?I cannot make real progress, no matter how hard I try!I cannot keep myself motivated for too…

7 signs of spiritual gaslighting
Recognize these 7 signs of Spiritual Gaslighting

Have you ever found yourself in a place of worship whether it be a church, mosque, temple, convent or any religious gathering, where the sermon seemed a bit out of…

life, the ultimate question of life
What’s the point of living when “DEATH” is the ULTIMATE END

If you are reading this, you’ve probably had this thought at least once in your life. We are born, we live for a while and then we die. What’s the…

Thankfulness vs gratefulness
Stop saying “Thank You” to people! It’s ruining you..

Thank you… Thank you so much!We hear and say this all the time!When someone helps us out, it's polite to thank them. But these days, "thank you" is thrown around…